CentOS7 ECDF Setup

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  • EGI hasn't released any WNs CentOS7 middleware yet.*

It is a bit of a hybrid base on what we could reasonably ask the ECDF team to incorporate in their build. But so far:

  • HEP_OSlibs-7.0.1-0.el7.cern.x86_64 (and gfal rpms) are installed on each WN
  • CVMFS (and fuse) is installed and configured on each WN
  • lcg-CA and the trustanchor repo installed on each WN
  • Certificate revocation files are regularly pulled via an NFS GridPP share accessible to each WN
  • An NFS GridPP share hosts grid pool account home directory and a space for any local configuration scripts
  • An NFS share also hosts ARC CE session directories and RTE scripts
  • A grid environment script run at the start of each job referencing the centos7 area under /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/ATLASLocalRootBase/x86_64/emi
    • This was necessary to allow access to voms-proxy-* tools and gfal tools (when not using the packages native to the WN)