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Revision as of 14:38, 2 July 2007 by Yves coppens (Talk | contribs)
Birmingham Particle Physics Group
Our Grid Resources
Atlas cluster
- Number of Job Slots: 28
- CPU Model: Intel xeon
- CPU speed: 2GHz
- SpecInt: 756
- SpecFloat: 764
- RAM: 1024MB
- Supported VOs: alice atlas babar biomed calice cms dteam hone ilc lhcb sixt zeus
BaBar cluster
The Grid part of this farm is down due to ongoing problems with power supplies and several broekn disks.
- 1 one node for a BaBar xrootd server
- 1 one node for a BaBar Objectivity server
- 5 nodes dedicated to the PPS
- Number of Job Slots: 104 (4 job slots lost because of faulty disks)
- CPU Model: Intel PIII
- CPU speed: 800MHz
- SpecInt: 340
- SpecFloat: 226
- RAM: 1024MB
- Supported VOs: alice babar cms hone lhcb zeus (90% of jobs slots for BaBar)
- 1.8TB raid array lying behind DPM/SRM
Monitoring and Accounting
Answers to GridPP 'Ten Easy Network Questions': Birmingham (10 Questions)
Addition of extra clusters to an existing LCG site
There are three ways to add an extra cluster to an existing LCG site, namely:
- Using CPU scaling
- easy to implement, but
- only the CPUs characteristics of the clusters can differ
- the same VOs must be supported on all clusters
- the site information provider does not reflect the true physical caracteristics of the clusters
- Adding a new CE
- the most versatile solution
- not neat for a site with many small clusters (for example with 4 clusters with 10 nodes each)
- implemented at Bham, see Addition of a second CE at the BHAM-LCG2 site for instructions
- Hosting several clusters under one CE making use the of GLUE sub-cluster attribute
- Ideal for small site with many farms
- allows to enable different VOs on different clusters
- neat use of the GLUE schema, but
- APEL requires to add a prefix to the site name
- got it working, but chose solution 2. for the time being
- I will put some instructions in the wiki for information in the not too distant future
Our experiences
Migration from a classic to a DPM/SRM SE
Enabling the DNS VO style
gLite Update 27
Ongoing Work and Plans
- Upgrade to LCG-2_7_0
- Fix and add another 40 nodes to the BaBar farm
- Integration work of recently deployed LCG-2_7_0 WNs, MON and RB in the Pre-Production Service
- Birmingham in Service Challenge 4