BaBar Skiming Useful Commands

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Checking Exports to SLAC

In a test release directory set up for skimming run:

[noric05] ~/Skm22.1.1c > BbkTMUser -q --site=ral --dbname=stm1 --mdse_taskname='22.1.1c.MAN-Task0?-R22d.production.9' \
  --mdse_xfer=1,2 --mjob_status=5 mdse_name | sort -u | BbkUser --site=slac -b dse=- --summary dse_id is_local dse_status events gbytes

Output should look like:

======= ======== ========== ========= =======
     19        0          0   7974940    15.4
    428        1          0  68414758   259.0
   6317        1          1 459304129  1679.7
======= ======== ========== ========= =======
   6764                     535693827  1954.0
7138 rows returned from bbkr18 at slac

The #DSE_ID column is the number of collections in give state, denoted by IS_LOCAL and DSE_STATUS, IS_LOCAL equal to zero means that the collection has recently been exported and has not been moved into xrootd. IS_LOCAL equal to one and DSE_STATUS equal to zero means that the collection had made it into xrootd but that all the collections from that merge super are not yet in that state. Once all the collections from a merge super are IS_LOCAL equal to one at SLAC then the DSE_STATUS status gets set to one and the data is then available for analysis.

Cleaning up a Skim Output Disk

To get a list of easily deletable files on the Skim output disks run:

for coll in `find /stage/bdata-data40/prod/output.skimming/ -name '*.root' | \ 
   sed -e 's|/stage/bdata-data40/prod/output.skimming\(.*\)\.[0-9A-Z]*\.root|\1|' | \
   BbkTMUser --dbname=stm1 -b sdse_name=- --mjob_status=6 --quiet sdse_name`
  ls /stage/bdata-data40/prod/output.skimming/$coll.*.root

To directly delete them just change the ls with rm