Difference between revisions of "BaBar Bookkeeping Changelog"

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Latest revision as of 21:29, 24 May 2007


Marked micro+mini files for 35 PR/SP collections with file_status='0K' to indicate that they should not be removed from disk as they are used for skimming tests.

=========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
0K          PR                   full             12     4.2
0K          PR                   mini             12     7.6
0K          SP       generic     full              5     4.3
0K          SP       generic     mini              5     5.5
0K          SP       signal      full             18     1.1
0K          SP       signal      mini             18     1.4
=========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
Totals                                            70    24.1


Marked a few more release>=19.0.0 file_status=0S (were imported yesterday).

======= =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
22.0.4           0S SP       signal      full             37     0.6
22.0.4a          0S SP       signal      full             37    16.8
======= =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
Totals                                                    74    17.4


Changed mark-r18.cron.sh to exclude R22a/b skimming and mini2mini datasets, include all Nonevent datasets as they appear, mark Bkg and Nonevent files for import with status 1C, include other files only if they have release <19.0.0, and exclude files only in skimming and mini2mini datasets datasets (any release).

Marked everything already imported with release>=19.0.0 as file_status=0S.

======= =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
22.0.3           0S PR                   full              2     0.9
19.4.0           0S SP       generic     full             89    25.9
19.4.1b          0S SP       generic     full             91    26.4
22.0.3           0S SP       generic     full           1763  1469.8
22.0.4           0S SP       generic     full            153    44.1
22.0.4           0S SP       signal      full           7285  1156.1
22.0.4a          0S SP       signal      full            583   276.0
======= =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
Totals                                                  9966  2999.1


Changed mark-r18.cron.sh to exclude Giuliano's R18dTestUK datasets.


Changed mark-r18.cron.sh to exclude R20 and R22 PR, SP, and skims. Also don't import files just because they are in the SP-AllOldSignalSkim dataset (like the test and prelim datasets).

Mark everything that was awaiting import in these categories back to file_status '2'.

Mark everything that was already imported in these categories file_status '0S' (to remove from disk later):-

========== =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
R20a       0S          PRskims              full            177   236.6
R20a       0S          PRskims  generic     full             13     7.9
R20a       0S          PRskims  signal      full              2     0.0
R20a       0S          SPskims  generic     full            245   319.7
R20a       0S          SPskims  signal      full              5     0.2
========== =========== ======== =========== ========== ======== =======
Totals                                                      442   564.4


Changed mark-r18.cron.sh to select files with --components=^E instead of --components='^*E*'. This gives us files that have mini included with the micro. We don't have any skims in this category, but maybe we get them in future. We still exclude mini-only files.


Changed all run2 AllEvents PR collections to have is_local=0

BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory \
        --dse_type=PR --dse_run_cycle=run2 \
        --is_local=1 --set is_local=0

except for the few that have the mini

BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory \
        --dse_type=PR --dse_run_cycle=run2 \
        --file_status='0*' --components=E --dse_status=1 \
        --is_local=0 --set is_local=1

This is to allow for skimming tests, since now AllEvents-Run2-R18 includes just collections we can skim.

BbkDatasetTcl AllEvents-Run2-R18
BbkDatasetTcl: wrote AllEvents-Run2-R18.tcl
Selected 27 collections, 5972410/13964715 events, ~406.6/pb, from bbkr18 at ral
****************** WARNING ****************** 
5714 collections (of 5741) are not available in bbkr18 at ral.
tcl file only lists local collections.
Specify BbkDatasetTcl --nolocal to include all collections.
****************** WARNING ******************

The whole dataset is on tape anyway (file_status=0T), so it doesn't really matter that the rest of it isn't really accessible with BbkDatasetTcl.


Files that turned up in the import areas that were marked with status=0, but weren't on disk or tape.

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr14 -i file=tosweep-noxrd0.lis \
  file_status file_id gbytes --summary --set file_status=2
=========== ======== =======
          0        8     2.1
=========== ======== =======
Totals             8     2.1
% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 -i file=tosweep-noxrd0.lis \
  file_status file_id gbytes --summary --set file_status=2
=========== ======== =======
          0      253   103.1
=========== ======== =======
Totals           253   103.1


Mark next batch of R14/R16 skims on tape:-

BbkUser --dse_type=PRskims,SPskims --file_status=0 \
        --where "(skim IN ('BCCEta03a3body','BFourHHHE','BFourHHHH','BFourHHHK','BFourHHHP','BFourHHKE','BFourHHKK','BFourHHPE','BFourHHPK','BFourHHPP','BToA1Kst','ExclEtaP','TwoPhotonPentaquark','TwoPhotonPi0Pi0','TwoPhotonTwoTrack') OR (skim='BFourBody' AND dse_type='SPskims') OR (skim='AllEvents' and skim_cycle<>'R16c'))" \
        --set file_status=0T --dbuser=bfactory

Check bbkr18 database:-

% BbkModifyDseFlags --dbname=bbkr18 --checkislocal --all --maxquery 20000
2005/11/15 20:45:01-is_local should be 1 for the following 8 collections...

Mark most R18 PR and SP mini file_status=-1 so collections become local:-

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --components=E --file_status=2 \
          --set file_status=-1 --dbuser=bfactory
2005/11/15 20:55:19-Report-set file_status=-1, dfile_modified=20051115205517 for 43598 rows
% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --components=0 --file_suffix=.??E --file_status=2 \
          --set file_status=-1 --dbuser=bfactory
2005/11/15 20:56:51-Report-set file_status=-1, dfile_modified=20051115205651 for 661 rows
% BbkModifyDseFlags --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory --autosetislocal --all --maxquery 20000
2005/11/15 21:31:51-Report-9023 collections had the wrong is_local

Mark some R14 SP mini file_status=-1 so collections become local:-

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr14 --components=E --file_status=2 --set file_status=-1 --dbuser=bfactory
2005/11/15 21:15:23-Report-set file_status=-1, dfile_modified=20051115211523 for 1714 rows
% BbkModifyDseFlags --dbname=bbkr14 --dbuser=bfactory --autosetislocal --all --maxquery 20000
2005/11/15 21:25:55-Report-1372 collections had the wrong is_local (0->1)

Some bad R18 files deleted from disk

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory --file_suffix='.??E' \
          --components=0 --file_status=0 --set file_status=0T
2005/11/15 21:56:34-Report-set file_status='0T', dfile_modified=20051115215634 for 122 rows
% BbkUser  --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory --dse_status=2 \
           --file_suffix '^.??E' --file_status=0 --set file_status=0T
2005/11/15 21:59:13-Report-set file_status='0T', dfile_modified=20051115215913 for 2248 rows

R14 mini files deleted from disk

BbkUser --dbname=bbkr14 --dbuser=bfactory --file_status=0 --components=E --set file_status=0T
2005/11/15 22:23:35-Report-set file_status='0T', dfile_modified=20051115222335 for 507 rows

R14 dse_status=2 files deleted from disk

% cd ~adye/bbk
% BbkUser --file_status=0 --dse_status=2 file -q | sort -u > 051115-r14-badstat.lis
% BbkUser --file_status=0 --dse_status=2 --noprune --link_status=1 \
          --ds_is_local=1 --ds_name '^prelim-*,^SP-SignalModesForSkims,^testSP,^SLACSkimR16a' \
          --dtd_modified '>=2004/09/30' file -q | sort -u > 051115-r14-badstat-recent.lis
% comm -23 051115-r14-badstat.lis 051115-r14-badstat-recent.lis > 051115-r14-badstat-del.lis
% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr14 -b file=051115-r14-badstat-del.lis file_id -q | \
  BbkUser --dbname=bbkr14 --dbuser=bfactory -i file_id=- --file_status=0 \
          --set file_status=0T
2005/11/15 22:57:47-Report-set file_status='0T', dfile_modified=20051115225747 for 1416 rows

(Checked for collections that were tagged with GreenCircle, BlueSquarePrime, BlackDiamond, Total, or HEAD (but not BlueSquare) as follows

% ( for t in GreenCircle BlueSquarePrime BlackDiamond Total; do \
      BbkUser --dse_status=2 --tag $t dse_id -q; \
    done; \
    BbkUser --ds_name '^prelim-*,^test*,^SlacSkim*,^FixSkim-Run4-R14,^GridKaSkim,^SLACSkimR16a,^SP-SignalModesForSkims' \
            --dse_status=2 dse_id -q \
  ) | sort -nu > taggedbad3-allbutBS.lis
% BbkUser -b dse_id=taggedbad3-allbutBS.lis --file_status=0 \
          dse_type skim dse_id file_id gbytes --summary

where the first command was done at SLAC (for speed) and the second at RAL. However the 20 files that resulted were all in 051115-r14-badstat-recent.lis, so that wasn't needed.)

Don't import bad data either. All the run5 PRskims to date have been marked bad (dse_status=2).

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --dbuser=bfactory --dse_status=2 --file_status='1*' \
          --set file_status=-1
2005/11/16 00:27:05-Report-set file_status=-1, dfile_modified=20051116002705 for 1142 rows

Change run5 PR currently queued for import, from priority E to N (same as run3 SP, which doesn't yet exist). This is because there are currently no run5 PRskims, so we should prioritrise the run3.

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18  --dbuser=bfactory --file_status=1E \
          --set file_status=1N \
          file_status dse_run_cycle dse_type components file_id gbytes --summary
2005/11/16 00:38:51-Report-set file_status='1N', dfile_modified=20051116003850 for 2092 rows
=========== ============= ======== ========== ======== =======
1E          run5          PR       HBCA           2092  1369.0

Here's what is now queued to import...

% BbkUser --dbname=bbkr18 --file_status='1*' \
          file_status dse_run_cycle dse_type components file_id gbytes --summary \
          --combine 'components:full=0+*A*,pointer=*'
=========== ============= ======== ========== ======== =======
1J          run3          PRskims  full             38    11.1
1K          run3          PR       full           1113   488.3
1L          run3          PRskims  pointer         128   120.2
1N          run5          PR       full           2092  1369.0
1P          run2          PRskims  full           1353  1149.6
1Q          run2          PR       full           1960  1045.0
1R          run2          PRskims  pointer         733   689.7
=========== ============= ======== ========== ======== =======
Totals                                            7417  4873.1