RAL Tier1 CASTOR Experiments Completed Actions 2011
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Revision as of 22:26, 23 January 2012 by Andrew lahiff (Talk | contribs)
Action ID | Priority | Experiment(s) | Owner | Action | Status | Completed date |
20110607-02 | Medium | CMS | Andrew L | Ensure that there is a discussion about CMS usage of xrootd at RAL | Done | 2011-06-22 |
20110601-01 | Medium | LHCb | Catalin | Discuss implications of increasing wallclock time for LHCb. 6000M queue changed . Review status in 2-3 Weeks. Awaing feedback from Raja. | Done | 2011-06-22 |
20101103-01 | Medium | CMS | Tim Folkes | Record problems observed during the CMS tape migration. | Blog entry done. | 2011-01-05 |
20110105-01 | High | Alice | Lee Barnby | Ensure that no further action is required on the part of RAL regarding lost Alice tape and ensure that the required VO clean up is carried out. | Done. | 2011-01-12 |
20110105-01 | High | ATLAS | Andrew Sansum | Ensure that there is sufficient capacity at RAL for ATLAS production. | Closed. | 2010-01-12 |
20110119-01 | Medium | All | Andrew Sansum | Follow up issue of bad checksums impacting tape migrations. | Done. Summary on 2011-01-26. | 2011-01-26 |
20101208-01 | Medium | CMS | Chris Brew | Organise a meeting to discuss CMS integration testbed. | Done. | 2011-02-09 |
20101103-01 | Medium | All | Matthew Viljoen | Liaise with VOs to ensure that they are aware of the current CASTOR access permissions applied to their data and the implications of these permissions. | Update sent. SuperB and T2K left to do. Done. | 2011-02-16 |
20110126-01 | Medium | MICE | Matthew Viljoen | Confirm that all MICE data that should have two copies has two copies and that any with only one copy was written before the change to CASTOR for MICE. | Done. | 2011-02-16 |
20110216-01 | Medium | All | Matthew Viljoen | Summarise future CASOTR upgrade plans and position on CASTOR 2.1.10. | Done. | 2011-02-23 |
20110216-02 | Medium | All | Andrew Sansum | Send reminder about the resources meeting to the email list. | Done. | 2011-03-02 |
20101006-02 | Medium | CMS, ATLAS | Derek Ross | Set up a queue and reserve a few worker nodes for CMS and ATLAS to test multithreaded jobs. | Done. | 2011-03-09 |
20110216-02 | Medium | All | Andrew Sansum | Pursue why attendance at liaison meeting is low. | Closed. | 2011-03-09 |
20110302-02 | Medium | ATLAS | Brian, Matt H | Discuss FTS group channels. | Done. | 2011-03-09 |
20110309-01 | Medium | All | John | Follow up as to why the batch system drain procedures weren't followed. | Done | 2011-03-16 |
20110309-03 | Medium | All | Matthew Viljoen | Send an email to VOs with proposed dates for CASTOR stager upgrades. | Done | 2011-03-23 |
20110302-01 | Medium | NA62 | Gareth | Find out about NA62 storage requirements. | Closed. | 2011-04-06 |
20110406-01 | Medium | T2K | Brian Davies | Follow up with T2K about the best way to register files in the LFC. | Closed. | 2011-05-04 |
20110413-01 | Medium | All | Andrew Sansum | Organize a kick-off meeting to build a coherent picture of current networking issues and plans | Closed. | 2011-05-04 |
20110309-02 | Medium | All | Andrew Sansum | Re-advertise experiment liaison meeting. | Done. | 2011-05-18 |
20110607-01 | Medium | LHCb | Matthew V | Explain the change in garbage collection policies for LHCb, as the previous (default) policy is not understood | Closed. | 2011-06-15 |
20110629-01 | Medium | All | On-call meeting | Consider the appropriateness of reponses to diskserver failures. | Moved to on-call meeting. | 2011-07-27 |
20110720-01 | Medium | NA62 | Andrew L | Trawl through tickets to see if there's anything regarding NA62 use of FTS | Done. | 2011-07-27 |
20110810-01 | Medium | All | Chris K | Send out link for the new Castormon | Done. | 2011-08-17 |
20110810-02 | Medium | All | Gareth | Send out the proposed timeline for the database interventions to all VOs | Done. | 2011-08-17 |
20110907-01 | Medium | MICE | Tim | Nudge James A about giving Tier-1 disk stress testing scripts to Henry | Done. | 2011-09-21 |
20110803-01 | Medium | T2K | Andrew S | Organise meeting with T2K to discuss activities | Closed | 2011-09-28 |
20110921-01 | Medium | N/A | Andrew L | Speak to Jeremy about moving the Experiments Liaison Meeting to Vidyo | Closed | 2011-10-05 |
20110921-02 | Medium | MICE | Martin | Ensure that MICE are supplied with the disk stress testing package in a timely manner | Closed | 2011-10-12 |
20111005-01 | Medium | All | Gareth | Implement a Nagios check to ensure xrootd is working on diskservers | Done. | 2011-11-02 |