RAL Tier1 weekly operations castor 16/11/2018
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Revision as of 14:43, 16 November 2018 by George Patargias c592d6dd61 (Talk | contribs)
Standing agenda
1. Problems encountered this week
2. Upgrades/improvements made this week
3. What are we planning to do next week?
4. Long-term project updates (if not already covered)
5. Special topics
6. Actions
7. Review Fabric tasks
1. Link
8. AoTechnicalB
9. Availability for next week
10. On-Call
11. AoOtherB
Operation problems
gdss736 (lhcbDst) crashed and removed from prod; back again
/etc/cron.d/check_tape_pools.ncm-cron.cron file was missing from the WLCGTape headnodes and as a result was the tape pools were not topped up with free tapes and a large backlog of ATLAS canbemigrs was created RT218153. This was foxed on aquilon on Mon 12/11 and the backlog is now cleatring
Operation news
* Decommissioned all disk servers from ATLAS atlasStripInput and atlasTape
* Moved all needed disk servers from atlasTape to wlcgTape (gdss893, gdss894, gdss895)
* Migration of the Gen (except Alice) VOs to WLCGTape
Plans for next few weeks
* Proceed with the cmsDisk decommissioning
* Decommission xrootd-cms-manager
Long-term projects
* New CASTOR WLCGTape instance. Things need doing: Create a seperate xrootd redirector for ALICE
* RA out from Thu 22/11