Monday 17th March 2014, 14.00 GMT
47 Open UK tickets this week, a dozen of them are EMI2 retirement tickets so they'll get the lion's share of our attention.
NGI (24/2)
The ILC software area move ticket. IC, RAL, QMUL, Cambridge and Liverpool have moved. Lancaster moved but is (hopefully was) broken for ILC (pardon my noise). Assuming that anyone not mentioned on the ticket hasn't migrated the ILC SW_DIR yet that leaves the following list of uk sites to migrate their ILC software area:
BRUNEL - Moved but hadn't updated the ticket
(I might have missed some of you out, this list is from lcg-infosites and grepped using my admittedly poor eyeballs. A braver man would have crafted his own ldapsearch to glean this info).
If you don't want to make the change then removing support for ILC is a viable course of action, if you have made the change please update the ticket to let ILC know. In progress (17/3)
Remember that you need to have *at least* your upgrade plans in these tickets within a fortnight of the ticket's submission - so by the 28th of March.
SUSSEX (14/3)
BDII is the culprit here, ticket acknowledged but no other news (or plan). In Progress (17/3)
RALPP (14/3)
ARC CE, a few CREAMs, site BDII and WNs - Chris reports that this is probably a false alarm, but is looking into it (in case the publishing is off). Chris has included a plan for the other components (if I'm reading right, is RALPP ditching all CREAMs?). In progress (14/3)
BRISTOL (14/3)
site BDII (seems to be a common one), some CEs and the WNs. Winnie has posted an assurance that the upgrade will be done in time, but I'm not sure if that'll count as a plan to the powers that be. In progress (17/3)
GLASGOW (14/3)
Lots of services, but Dave has given a detailed upgrade battleplan. In progress (17/3)
I think site-BDII and WNs. Wahid has given assurances, but (sorry to be a pedantic patsy) not sure if that'll count as a "upgrade plan". In other news the testing for the SL6 WN tarball is going well. In progress (14/3)
DURHAM (14/3)
The Durham DPM, CE and site BDII are on the list. Assigned (14/3)
Some CEs and the APEL box (that's a guess). Elena has given a good plan, there's some hassle as their APEL and BDII box are shared. In progress (14/3)
UCL (14/3)
DPM, BDII, CE and WNs. Ben has said he will upgrade in the next few weeks. On hold (14/3)
RHUL (14/3)
A CREAM and the site BDII. Govind is planning his upgrade plans. In progress (14/3)
Just some WNs. Engaged in testing and plan to upgrade the last cluster this week. In progress (14/3)
BRUNEL (14/3)
Just the DPM I think. Henry remarks that they're just about to embark on a physical server move and doesn't want to change anything significant before the move. I gave my recipe for the EMI3 dpm move in case it helps. In progress (14/3)
EFDA-JET (14/3)
Again just the DPM. Acknowledged, but no plan. In progress (17/3)
I'm actually pretty sure Lancaster should have got a ticket as we still have one cluster on the EMI2 tarball. I'm not going to complain though.
QMUL (26/2)
This ticket about jobs using RFC3820 style proxies not working at QM is in an odd state. The user seemed to be confused as to what feedback he should give. In progress (17/3) (8/3)
Sorry to be picking on QM, but this 444444 publishing jobs ticket is looking neglected, I suspect you've been frying bigger fish but can you please show it (or even better, the underlaying issue!) some love. Is this linked to your other information publishing problems? In progress (10/7)
UCL (16/2)
UCL Perfsonar ticket. After having his perfsonar box whacked by a power outage Ben is reinstalling, but is seeing some odd hardware issues. Has anyone else seen their R610s PERCs play up like this (only showing 3G partitions)? In progress (12/3)
As always please pipe up if I've missed anything or if there's any other ticket related issues you want to bring up.