Monday 9th June 2014, 15.00 BST
26 Open Tickets this week.
NGI (24/2)
The ILC ticket. Things got a bit muddled but ILC would like to know the state of Durham's CE. My impression is that they're submitting to a now defunct one - could you please let us know what's up? In progress (9/6) (4/6)
Technically I think this is a Glasgow ticket - I was going to give this a home but there but noticed that the ticket looked solved (it concerned enabling the cern@school cvmfs at Glasgow - which the Glasgow lads had done alongside the other gridpp repos). In progress (can be solved) (6/6)
A ticket from Adam concerning the creation of a new UK Cloud site (UKI-LT2-IC-HEP-Cloud). I'm not sure who this needs to be bounced to (NGI-OPS, Imperial?), it could be that it's all in hand. Assigned (9/6)
SUSSEX (2/6)
Sussex got a low availability nagios ticket - Matt RB replied that the trouble is with the EMI3 upgrade and hopes to have dug his way out of that pit shortly. In progress (9/6) (28/3)
Sussex's EMI3 upgrade ticket. The deadline is pass, and anything not upgraded is in downtime. How goes things? In progress (2/6) (21/5)
Sno+ were/are having cvmfs problems at Sussex. Related to 105989 above, has /cvmfs/ been replaced by /cvmfs/ (The latter of which I can see at my site). In progress (29/5).
Some little lost cern@school jobs at Birmingham, sitting in an odd state. Matt W is having a look, suspecting argus. In progress (6/6)
Atlas deletion errors at Glasgow. Sam and the lads suspect a dodgey disk pool, and are working on it. In progress (6/6)
Duncan spotted that the ECDF perfsonar box had fallen over. Andy and Wahid are prodding it with their remote stick. In progress (9/6) (28/5)
Glue Validator failures at ECDF. Andy's reckoning that the CE's are misconfigured, and is digging into the guts of the matter. In progress (3/6) (1/7/2013)
My shame, the tarball glexec tickets. Sorry to say nothing to see here again. On hold (27/1)
A Sno+ cvmfs ticket, similar to the Sussex one (105618). Not much news on it. In progress (21/5)
Manchester are still publishing using the EMI2 apel. The work is scheduled to be done next (this) week. In the mean time has publishing been turned off? On hold (2/6)
Biomed ticketed Lancaster over gridftp not being open on our dpm headnode. After advice from Sam we decided that opening up the firewall ports would be okay, but also told biomed that restricting gfal to just one protocol was a bit silly. Waiting to hear if all's well for them. Waiting for reply (9/6) (27/1/2013)
Poor perfsonar bandwidth performance at Lancaster. Following Duncan's advice a downtime has been declared to try a reinstall of the node on Wednesday. In progress (9/6) (1/7/2013)
glexec tarball ticket. On hold (4/4)
UCL (16/2)
UCL's perfsonar hit a spot of hardware trouble. Disks and RAID controller have been replaced, last word was that the OS was hoped to be reinstalled at the end of April. I suspect then the EMI3 upgrade storm hit. Any news since? On hold (28/4) (1/7/2013)
UCL's glexec ticket. At last word waiting on a new staff member to take the reins. On hold (16/4)
EFDA-JET (21/9/13)
LHCB problems at JET. The last updated was from me in May, saying that'd I'd ask for help on JET's behalf (which I did...but failed to push on it. Sorry Jet). On Hold (12/5)
TIER 1 (21/10/2013)
Sno+ CVMFS ticket. After looking like it was almost done this ticket has become a bit more murky in recent weeks, with talk of desire for an OSG "mirror" which Catalin points out breaks the cvmfs model. I think some more planning in Sno+ and discussion with the experts is needed. Waiting for reply (2/6) (14/5)
A Vidyo router firewall ticket. Not really sure it's that interesting to any outside the Tier 1 - although there are a lot of Vidyo documentation links that might be useful. Not much news on the ticket for a while. In progress (27/5) (20/5)
Mismatch between bdii and srm storage numbers - which has happened before (101310). In progress but no news. In progress (3/6) (2/5)
CMS are doing a round of their Storage Consistency Checks. There's been some back and forth between CMS and RAL with clean up being done. Not entirely sure what's the next step for this ticket - it doesn't seem to be a problem yet though. In progress (6/6)